It was a great trip and now I am sitting here in Starkville looking at the map of Europe on the wall and wondering, "what just happened?"
Jet Lag
So called 'jet lag' is real, having experienced it yesterday. Got back to Starkville around 8pm Monday, got home, went to bed around 10:30, no problem. I didn't really think about the fact that when we got up at 6am Monday morning in Amsterdam it was 11pm Sunday night in Starkville. So, up at 11pm Sunday, off to bed at 10:30pm Monday. That's 23.50 hours of wakefulness. On Tuesday we decided to continue our Europe routine- up at 6am, walk to the Starkville Cafe (2.5 mile round-trip). Later after lunch, the Lag caught up with us. Coupled with the 23+ hour day, our bodies also were not happy with the temperature (92) and particularly the Central time zone. We were 7 hours out of sync and going down. Fell asleep in a chair around 6pm (Leslie made it to the sofa), slept for 12 hours. Today seems better.
Can't say enough about the benefits of walking all over Paris, Maastricht, and Amsterdam. We probably averaged 4 miles a day, had a couple of 8 mile days. Walking around like that, you encounter lots of surprising and unusual sights, sounds, and smells (french fries, canal waters, and the ever present smell of urine in Paris), not to mention the health benefits from all that daily exercise. Got on the scales in Starkville- lost 6 pounds!
Great salads at pretty much any restaurant or cafe you went into; you could do a salad tour of Europe; had intended to do a Salade post, now I have forgotten all the great ingredients:
So Long
Perhaps EuroGeezer will return next summer.......