jay farrer and benjamin gibbard

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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Straat and Gracht

Getting around in Amsterdam, its important to know your straats from your grachts.

A straat is a street- that's simple enough

A gracht (city-canal) is a waterway in the city with streets on both sides of the water. The streets are lined with houses- ok

For instance, if you are on Egelantiersstraat and you don't see any canals, then you know that you are indeed on Egelantiersstraat. If you see a canal, then you are on Egelantiersgracht, or perhaps another gracht. Also, Egelantiersgracht runs along both sides of the canal. 

This is perfectly logical.

However, a singel is by origin a water-filled moat which surrounds a city for defensive purposes. When the city expands the singel is incorporated in the city’s structure and cannot be distinguished any more from a gracht, although the name ‘singel’ is usually maintained. You guessed it. There is a Singel here, and it looks just like a gracht- its on both sides of the canal!

Fortunately, a dijk is just a dike.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Obligatory Jet Lag Excuse

Well, its Day 2 (Thursday) in Amsterdam, and no posts. Lets blame it on jet lag.

We arrived in the city Wednesday about 10am, had to wait until 3pm to get the key to the 'temporary' apartment'. Checked our extremely heavy luggage at Drop-n-Go and wandered around. Finally got the key at 3pm and lugged/shoved the extremely heavy luggage onto a tram which took us to within about 8 blocks of the apartment. The nice thing about blocks in Amsterdam is that they are shorter than like your typical NYC block for instance, and much shorter than Starkville city blocks because there are none. The Amsterdam blocks have been, for centuries, at the human scale for walking.

This morning we checked out an apartment to rent for the next 5 1/2 months, scoped out the surrounding neighborhoods, and pondered the transportation system.

Maybe tomorrow I will be conscious......oh, and we had to lug the extremely heavy luggage up these stairs.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I'll Drink to That

Getting close to embarkation for Amsterdam.......which entails an 8 hour plane ride. Super!