jay farrer and benjamin gibbard

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

you can't do that in America!

This will no doubt be a continuing series.

In Amsterdam, in the previously mentioned Red Light district, certified, legal prostitutes can rent these little rooms, like a little tiny store-front, which is in fact a retail establishment. They exhibit their "product" and try to entice you to come in, where I suppose they take you to a storeroom in the back were you can examine more closely the "product", or they examine yours, whatever.

We were wandering thru this area today and Leslie goes, "did you see that woman back there?". Being sort of unaware in general, I go, "what?". Then she points across the straat, "look there's another one in that window".

Sure enough, a mostly naked butt can be discerned even from across the straat. As we get closer we can see the woman beckoning to the passers-by. I give her a thumbs up as we pass.

You can't do that in America!

(sorry, no pictures. taking photos of the windows is a big no-no)

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